Meeting with Swami, the Master of peace

2 دقائق للقراءة

Yesterday was not a normal day. It was like a dream, or like getting inside another dimension of space time.
I travelled with my dear brother Sayed Salman Chisty from Delhi to Behradon, we took the car to Breshedish, and there I was in Parmarth Niketan Ashram (monastery founded in 1942), and I met him.
In all my life I didn’t see so pure life energy shining with such modesty, love and determination.
No doubt that practicing Yoga and meditation so long gives a powerful energy and reflect on all human behaviour, but PUJIYA SWAMI (Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati, also called Pujya Swamiji or Pujya Muniji by disciples), the spiritual head and the president of parmath, is more than that.
Man of peace, protector of human moralitys, strong Humanitarian and environmental militant.
(Chidanand Saraswati is the founder or co-founder of several humanitarian and environmental organizations which serve a number of causes, including:
Ganga Action Parivar, to preserve and protect the Ganga river and its tributaries .
India Heritage Research Foundation (IHRF), which provides education, health care, youth welfare, and vocational training.
Divine Shakti Foundation, which provides education and assistance to widowed and impoverished women and children..”Wikipedia”).
He is also the founder and spiritual head of the Hindu Jain Temple in Pittsburgh.
In my way of Sufism, I found the light of peace love and harmony, and in my long path of martial arts, so I believe that I have the duty to serve humanity as a soldier of light and love.
When I met Swami Ji, I was with my own soul and my own thoughts, because there’s many twins of soul in this earth. They are different in religion, nationality, colour, mother language, but they are the same in the essence of human soul made by the creator and programmed to talk the same divine language of heart from the eternity.
It was a honour to meet Mahatma Ghandi, in the determination and the powerful love of nature and humanity of Master Swami.
I left a part of my spirit with him, and I took an amazing energy of love propelling inside me like the legendary river of Ganga, and showing me the blessed touch of my God in his creation so strong, high, and towering like the mountains of Himalaya.
No matter how we are different.
Humanity is one.
And like Mawlana Rumi said:
“Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn’t matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, yet again , come , come”.
